Life is a journey, and every person,
every event and every beautiful scenery
you encounter on your journey has the potential
to become a lifetime of unforgettable sights.



I was impressed by the beautiful scenery

and warmed by the friendly people.
Travelling is a process of discovering beauty
that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I love the feeling of being on the road,
it enriches my life and horizons greatly.



Going to different places and seeing different sights

shows me how big the world is
so that I don't worry about trivial things.
I think an open mind is very important for a person
and travelling is a great way to gain it.
Some people might say that I travel just to relax.
There is no doubt about it.
Whatever the reason, travelling appeals to all of us.
August 27, 2021 — Joanne Seymour

We design for life, create for the world.

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